¡Hola, soy Jaxinto!

Hi everybody, i introduce myself (again) i´m a mexican base artist, and my name is Jaxinto.
My goal and dream is to be an erotic-gay-comic-artist...

I came out of the closet "artistically" speaking in 2010, and since that year i have been developing my gay erotic art.
I love to draw beatiful boys, specially with sexy eyebrows.. I really enjoy to read your messages every morning, i feel very happy with all your comments and "favorites", i really thank you for step in my account. You make my day...

One of the things i really enjoy since i start uploading my art, is to meet great people around the world! so if you feel it, you can add me as a friend on facebook, just type jaxinto.myth!

Again thanks for step by and encouraging me to be better everyday!
